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Lab Members
Yasushi Tamura (Professor)

Mar. 1997: Takasaki High School (Gunma Prefecture).
Mar. 2002: Department of Chemistry, Nagoya Univ.
Mar. 2007: Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Nagoya Univ. (Ph. D).
Apr. 2004〜Mar. 2007: Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC1).
Apr. 2007〜Mar. 2012: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Cell Biology,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (Sesaki Lab).
Apr. 2011〜Mar. 2012: Postdoctral Fellowship for Research Abroad.
Apr. 2012: Assistant Prof. Institute for Advanced Research, Nagoya Univ.
Apr. 2013: Associate Prof. Research Center for Materials Science, Nagoya University.
Apr. 2015: Associate Prof. Faculty of Science, Yamagata University.
Dec. 2019: Professor, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University.
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